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Learn the Science of Sound Healing

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Every object has a natural vibrational currency known as its resonance. I am talking everything from trees, water, flowers, food, words, organs, bone, tissue.  All systems are constant state of vibration. Put simply, when we are in good health, the body puts out an overall healthy vibrational harmony. When a frequency which obstructs our health sets up in a certain place in the body, it creates a disharmony, better known as disease.


Vibrational medicine influences the body’s energy field by changing its frequency. Imagine it as transferring energy frequencies into the body. These resonant vibrations activate the body’s energies in the direction of balance, creating positive energy and ultimately better health. Illness or negative emotions are associated with unbalanced body vibrations. Is it possible that the energy in our bodies is connected to the unlimited energy of the universe itself to help it heal what ever the challenge  is.


Sound as vibrational medicine technology have been developed using specific sound tool that are tuned with specific frequencies with unique capabilities and healing purposes. The designs differ in the type of vibration-generating systems used; the frequencies selected for stimulus; the extent to which sound vibrations are processed, measured, and monitored' and the qualities and patterns of resonance in the vibrating surfaces. Interest in incorporating vibroacoustics in patient care practices become attributable to the noninvasive nature of the technology.  Vibroacoustic technology can be administered easily in most atmospheres, in private or group settings, in medical and wellness practices. Sound therapy use include applications to manage anxiety, depression, PTSD, illness, grief, pain; reduced symptoms for patients in chemotherapy; reduce stress; distract patients during biopsies, aspirations, and other procedures; increase range of motion (ROM) and muscle tone and in physical therapy or rehabilitative therapy following knee replacement; help prepare patients for surgery or those who are recovering; and provide sensory stimulation for people who are hearing impaired and developmentally disabled. Vibroacoustics can also increase quality of life and be used to manage behavior in psychiatric settings, geriatric facilities, child life centers, and palliative care facilities for the disease


The science of Mantra is based upon the understanding that you can project a specific form of energy through patterning.  As a result, the mind has a definite, predictable effect upon the physiology of the human body and the human psyche.  Sound waves create a specific effect on the mental and emotional body.  Sound is a mathematical formula that creates a measurable end.  It can alter the patterns and chemistry of the brain to release stress, anxiety, and depression.  Studies at Harvard and UCLA have been able to measure the physical effects of sound current on Alzheimer's patients and found it produces positive and healing effects.  The rhythmical repetition creates what is called an active meditation throughout the whole body and mind experience.  We all know how our favorite song makes us feel, so just take that understanding and multiply that by 1000 when you experience a sound therapy session!

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Sound waves can assess potentially dangerous atherosclerotic plaques, monitor chronic liver disease, and help deliver drugs to particular locations within the body. Ultrasound devices can image tumors deep inside the body, and acoustical energy can be focused upon those tumors as a way of treating cancer. Acoustics is also blending with other disciplines such as psychology and neuroscience to help improve communication for people with speech disorders and hearing problems.

To understand the fundamentals of sound in healing, we must first understand our brain waves. The nucleus of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, is the communication between neurons. Brain waves are generated by way of electrical pulses working in unison from masses of neurons interacting with one another. Brain waves are divided into five different bandwidths that are thought to form a spectrum of human consciousness. The slowest of the waves are delta waves (.5 to 3 Hz), which are the slowest brain waves and occur mostly during our deepest state of sleep. The fastest of the waves are gamma waves (25 to 100 Hz), which are associated with higher states of conscious perception. Alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz) occur when the brain is daydreaming or consciously practicing mindfulness or meditation.



Scientist Melinda Maxfield, Ph.D., conducted research on drumbeats used during rituals of ancient cultures and found that they generally beat at a steady rate of 4.5 beats per second.  This consistent beat induces a trance-like state for the tribe, due to the brain shifting into a 4.5 beats-per-second brainwave frequency, which is a low Theta brainwave state.


In almost every ancient culture, repetitive beat formats have played an important role in well-being and prosperity... through the use of repetitive drumming and chanting, Tibetan monks, Native American shamans, Hindu healers, and master Yogis have been able to induce specific brainwave states for transcending consciousness, healing, concentration, and spiritual growth.


Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania, and author of “How God Changes Your Brain” discovered that while we are deep in prayer or meditation, activity in our parietal lobes drops to almost nothing.  The parietal lobe is responsible for sensory awareness and orients us in the world. Newberg believes that the drop in activity during meditation and prayer explains the sense of oneness we feel with the universe when engaged in these focused activities.


Sound as Vibrational Medicine 


Sound as vibrational medicine, gong bath, and crystal bowl therapy is not a new alternative healing modality. On the contrary, the Gong has been used longer than any other instrument for holistic sound healing.


It was said by the Ancients that if you were Gonged for ten days you would be cured of anything. The current opinion of the scientific community is that the use of sound is a valuable tool in the treatment of many conditions, ailments, and diseases.


The technology in creating and tuning the gongs to specific frequencies is the only thing that has improved greatly over time. Gong baths principally bring about the transition of cellular realignment. Whether physical, mental, or spiritual problem, the pure penetrating sound waves of the healing gong will enable you to break free of old patterns, regenerate, and rebalance yourself.


Karisa playing the giant Gong for RAMA Institute, NYC


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