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Unum Heart ELEVATE U
yoga, Meditation, & sound tools
through the Elevation tool Box Method.
join us in the Elevation Station or on Zoom
Happy Birthday
It's time to Elevate and Celebrate!
Elevate U
Happy Birthday!
Celebrate your special day.
Elevation Station comes to U.
Learn the tools of ETBM
Crystal singing bowls
Tuning forks
mantra meditation
and so much more
8 people max if you use the Elevation Station
Price varies if sound session is help in an open space. Traveling fee is not included.
Custom Birthday Ceremony
Each birthday is costume designed for your special day
Kundalini Karisa
sound engineer
Karisa will sit down with you personally to help you create the birthday of your dream.
Unum Heart
Elevation Station
a mobile zen space
We travel to your location
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